Sunday, 19 May 2013

SNP Support Remains at 2011 Landslide Level

Welcoming the Panelbase independence poll for the Sunday Times Scotland and Real Radio Scotland - which shows that the gap between Yes and No is now down to 8 points, meaning that a swing of just over 4% would put Yes ahead, and that Yes and No are both at 44% on the scenario of the UK looking likely to withdraw from the EU, member of the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee, Clare Adamson MSP said:

"This is an extremely welcome and significant poll, which shows that the headline gap between Yes and No is now down to just 8 points - meaning that a swing of just over 4% would put Yes ahead.

"And plans for the UK to exit Europe change the terms of the debate - putting Yes and No neck-and-neck at 44% - because the Westminster system getting dragged along by a UKIP agenda underlines that it is out of touch with Scotland. It shows that only a Yes vote puts the people of Scotland in charge of our own future.

"Confirming the outcome of last week's STV debate between Nicola Sturgeon and Michael Moore, the poll demonstrates that as the debate moves onto substance - and between the two futures facing Scotland under either Yes or No - people are moving towards the positive case for an independent Scotland, and rejecting the scaremongering of the No campaign."

Commenting on the party ratings, which place the SNP on exactly the same level of support which delivered the 2011 landslide election victory, Clare Adamson MSP added:

"These are fantastic poll ratings - six years into government and the SNP still have the same level of support as our majority-winning landslide of 2011.

"The SNP are continuing to deliver on the priorities of the people on the economy, health, education and justice, and we have a positive vision for Scotland's future. We trust the people, and will continue to work hard so that the people continue to place their trust in the SNP Government."
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Promoted by Ricky Taylor on behalf of Karen Adam,
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