Sunday, 23 February 2014

Labour Chaos Continues with Party at Odds Across the Country


The SNP is calling on Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont to reaffirm her party’s stance on free school meals and workers’ rights after a week that saw Labour councillors at odds with MSPs and MPs from their own party.

On Thursday, Labour councillors in Glasgow rejected fully-funded plans put forward by the council’s SNP group proposing to introduce free school meals early. This is despite the fact that just one day before, Labour in the Scottish Parliament voted for the Scottish Government’s introduction of free school meals for all P1 to P3 children.

Labour councillors also rejected an SNP motion calling on the council to stop using Tory workforce laws that make it easier to sack staff. Glasgow Council - which is Labour controlled - has been among the first to use the new 45 day redundancy notices as a way of forcing workers to accept changes to their pay and conditions. This is despite the fact the party voted against the new laws in the House of Commons.

Commenting, SNP MSP Bob Doris, who urged Labour to support the SNP on free school meals during Wednesday’s debate in the Scottish Parliament, said:

“Johann Lamont must make clear where her party stands on free school meals and workers’ rights. In a week in which Labour voted for free school meals in the Scottish Parliament, Labour councillors in Glasgow chose not to back the SNP proposal to introduce the policy early. Our SNP councillors had done the hard work of finding the funding - all Labour had to do was support the motion and they failed to do that, denying families across Glasgow vital support at a time when Tory cuts are hitting the poorest hardest.

“And while people in Glasgow are used to the Tory-led government attacking workers’ rights, they will be absolutely appalled that their Labour council has rushed to jump on the bandwagon, despite the fact the party voted against the laws in the House of Commons. That Glasgow council is among the first to use these controversial 45 day redundancy notices speaks volumes about the state the party is in. Any illusions there were about Labour being the party of the workers have been blown out of the water.

“Labour is a party in chaos. With MPs threatening to boycott conference and the party split down the middle on further powers, the party is now saying one thing in opposition and another thing in office. Their leader must take charge."
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