Welcoming opinion poll research commissioned by Sir Tom Hunter and conducted by TNS - which finds that over two-thirds of people in Scotland think David Cameron should debate we the First Minister, or a ratio of four-to-one - SNP Depute Leader and Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:
"This is a welcome and positive contribution to the referendum debate by Sir Tom Hunter, which clearly indicates that people want and appreciate detailed information, which is exactly why we published the 670-page guide to an independent Scotland late last year, which voters are taking the time to read and digest. The gaping hole in the debate is the lack of any answers to the questions we have posed to the anti-independence campaign about what would happen to Scotland if the vote is No - in terms of more cuts to Scotland's budget, Westminster's dismantling of the welfare state, and the danger of being dragged out of Europe against our will.
"As a point of fact, the ICM/Scotland on Sunday poll remains the most recent one - which shows the referendum virtually neck-and-neck - as it was conducted entirely after this TNS survey. But it is encouraging nonetheless that Yes support in the TNS poll is 41 per cent after 'don't knows' are excluded - which is up on the period before the white paper publication, confirming that momentum is very much with Yes.
"The big finding in this poll is that the people of Scotland want David Cameron to debate with First Minister Alex Salmond by a majority of four-to-one. The Prime Minister cannot possibly get away with the hypocrisy of his position, whereby his Tory-led government is leading and directing the No campaign from Westminster, yet he doesn't have the courage to debate Alex Salmond face-to-face."
"As a point of fact, the ICM/Scotland on Sunday poll remains the most recent one - which shows the referendum virtually neck-and-neck - as it was conducted entirely after this TNS survey. But it is encouraging nonetheless that Yes support in the TNS poll is 41 per cent after 'don't knows' are excluded - which is up on the period before the white paper publication, confirming that momentum is very much with Yes.
"The big finding in this poll is that the people of Scotland want David Cameron to debate with First Minister Alex Salmond by a majority of four-to-one. The Prime Minister cannot possibly get away with the hypocrisy of his position, whereby his Tory-led government is leading and directing the No campaign from Westminster, yet he doesn't have the courage to debate Alex Salmond face-to-face."
Note: the TNS poll was sampled between 14 and 20 January. The ICM/Scotland on Sunday poll was conducted between 21 and 24 January.