Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Iconic chef Albert Roux says YES is best


One of the world's most iconic chefs has joined 40 job creators and experts from Scotland's food and drink sector outlining why a YES vote offers far greater opportunity for their industry.

In an open letter today, key industry figures such as Dennis Overton OBE, Chairman of Aquascot, a Highlands-based sustainable seafood business; leading chefs such as Graeme Cheevers, Head Chef of Restaurant Martin Wishart; Colin Clydesdale, Chef/Restaurateur of the Ubiquitous Chip; and Roy Brett, Chef/Proprietor of Ondine as well as several others figures hospitality, tourism, food and drink industry, have backed independence.

World-renowned chef and Scottish food and drink ambassador Albert H Roux OBE, who employs more than 130 people in Scotland, said: "As far as the food industry is concerned I think Scotland would be better with a Yes. I am deeply fond of Scotland and have spent a lot of time in Scotland since the 1970s and now have several businesses there. Scotland is a nation with world class produce, outstanding landscapes and rich history which I have been proud to promote and I think independence could offer more opportunities to promote these wonderful things.”

Welcoming Albert H Roux’s endorsement, Scotland’s only two-star Michelin star chef and YES Scotland board member Andrew Fairlie said:

“Albert Roux is a world-renowned chef and ambassador for the food and drink industry in Scotland and to have his support is significant. Albert has recognised for a long time the potential of Scotland’s food and drink sector and has been at the forefront of promoting it.

"He has never missed the opportunity to champion Scotland the brand on his world travels and knows the opportunities that lie ahead for Scotland with the powers of being a normal, independent country.”

Welcoming the 40-signatories’ letter, Mr Fairlie added:

“Food and drink has achieved strong growth with a supportive Scottish government and is now worth nearly £14bn to the Scottish economy each year but there is opportunity for so much more with the powers of independence.

"From world-renowned chefs to food producers, more and more people are realising that only with powers of independence will we ensure Scotland achieves its potential. Putting our interests first at home and abroad, whether that’s directly supporting our producers in Scotland, opening up our exports to new international markets or growing ‘brand Scotland’ around the world, we will have the status of a normal nation instead of a sub-region behind the UK.”
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