Monday, 13 April 2015

Whiteford Calling - World Famous Phone Box in Urgent Need of Repairs

Banff & Buchan SNP candidate Eilidh Whiteford is calling on BT to take urgent action to spruce up one of the area’s unlikely visitor attractions before the tourist season gets underway.

While out campaigning in Pennan, the SNP candidate had it drawn to her attention just what a sorry state the village’s famous red telephone box was in, with the door off its hinges and in need of a lick of paint. The phone box was made famous by the 1983 film ‘Local Hero’, which was filmed in Pennan and still attracts film buffs who locals say make it one of the most-used telephone kiosks in the country.

Commenting, Eilidh said:

“Pennan is one of the iconic tourist destinations on the Moray Firth, made famous by ‘Local Hero’, which over 30 years later still draws people to the village.

“One of the biggest stars of the film is the red telephone box from where the American oil executive calls home to the USA. It was therefore very disappointing to see it in the condition it was in, badly in need of a spruce-up and with the door propped-up against the wall having come off its hinges.

“I’ve contacted BT on the matter and I hope that they will take action to remedy the situation in time for the tourist season.”

Local SNP councillor for Pennan, Ross Cassie added:

“It was very sad to see this cinema icon in such a poor state. Even on a rainy afternoon when I went to see it, Pennan was full of tourists, many of them taking photographs of the phone box. I hope BT will get this repaired soon.”
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