As global leaders continue to negotiate a new climate change agreement in Paris, campaigners have praised the "crucial leadership" shown by the SNP Government following their decision to double the Scottish Climate Justice Fund to £12 million.
The head of Oxfam Scotland, Jamie Livingstone, has said the Scottish Government "is showing crucial leadership" during the Paris climate change talks and Alistair Dutton of SCIAF has said that it "sets a positive example to other wealthy nations meeting in Paris."
Since it was established five years ago, £6 million has been distributed to projects in Africa through the Climate Justice Fund. The Fund seeks to mitigate the damage caused by climate change on the world's poorest communities, which are often hit hardest by its impact.
Yesterday, Scotland was also praised by the head of energy company Iberdrola, Ignacio Galan, as setting an "example to the world" on support for renewable energy and the development of low-carbon technologies.
Commenting, SNP MSP Angus MacDonald said:
"Since the Climate Justice Fund was established five years ago the SNP Government has been at the forefront of this growing global movement - the decision to double the fund to £12 million shows their ongoing commitment to this issue.
"While it has been the most developed and industrialised countries that have been the biggest contributors to carbon emissions, it is the poorest communities in the world who feel the devastating impact of climate change. The creation of a Climate Justice Fund, the first in the world when it was established, is recognition of this reality and our obligation to right this wrong.
"This Fund sits alongside our ongoing commitment to dramatically reducing Scotland's carbon emissions - in Scotland we are well on our way to meeting our ambitious long-term climate change targets and our commitment to low-carbon energy has been praised as an 'example to the world'.
"There is no doubt that Scotland is leading the way on climate change and climate justice - we hope the example can embolden the international community in their desire to reach a new climate change agreement."
"While it has been the most developed and industrialised countries that have been the biggest contributors to carbon emissions, it is the poorest communities in the world who feel the devastating impact of climate change. The creation of a Climate Justice Fund, the first in the world when it was established, is recognition of this reality and our obligation to right this wrong.
"This Fund sits alongside our ongoing commitment to dramatically reducing Scotland's carbon emissions - in Scotland we are well on our way to meeting our ambitious long-term climate change targets and our commitment to low-carbon energy has been praised as an 'example to the world'.
"There is no doubt that Scotland is leading the way on climate change and climate justice - we hope the example can embolden the international community in their desire to reach a new climate change agreement."