Sunday, 5 June 2016

Davidson Under Pressure to Abandon Unfair Tory Approach to Social Security

Tories Must Join Mainstream of Scottish Politics

Ruth Davidson is under pressure to prove that her party is within the mainstream of Scottish politics by abandoning her defence of the UK Government’s welfare cuts – and to put the interests of people in Scotland ahead of the interests of David Cameron and George Osborne.

Ahead of a debate on social security and disability benefits in the Scottish Parliament next week, the Tory leader has been challenged to back a new approach to social security from the Scottish Government, which puts dignity and respect for individuals at its heart, and to make clear that her group of MSPs does not support the approach of the DWP on issues like the Bedroom Tax, sanctions and disability cuts.

Commenting, SNP MSP Clare Adamson said:

“Ruth Davidson faces a very clear choice in the Scottish Parliament next week. She can back a new and better approach to social security with respect and dignity for individuals at its heart – or she can continue to back the flawed and deeply unfair approach favoured by her party south of the border.

“Tory welfare cuts have caused misery for vulnerable people in communities across Scotland – which is why the SNP in government will take a different approach with the powers which are being transferred to Scotland.

“While too many welfare powers will still remain in the UK Government’s hands, this is a real opportunity to improve our social security system – and the Tories need to get on board and join the mainstream of Scottish politics.

“This is a very clear test for Ruth Davidson just weeks into the new Parliament – will she stand up for people in Scotland who need help, or will she continue to side with David Cameron and George Osborne, regardless of the consequences of their regressive policies.”
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